Monday, April 22, 2013

We are living in a Spice world

I wanna really really really wanna zigazig ha. If you didn’t just get lost in that opener, congratulations! You are a product of the 90s, and you were most likely a Spice Girls fan. If for some reason you are under the age of 13 and reading this, then please allow me to explain. 

The Spice Girls are British pop icons, who spread their message of girl power across the entire globe. They are ultimate queens of the 90’s, they quickly became the best-selling female group of all time. Their existence influenced the world of fashion from 1994 to now. 

Aside from their focus on girl power (“just girl power is all we need”) the Spice Girls promoted a sense of individuality. Every girl had her own style, most obviously reflected in their names. Ginger Spice made the British flag a fashion statement, Baby Spice made platform sneakers mainstream, Posh Spice kept it timeless with a sleek bob, Sporty Spice made activewear sexy, and Scary Spice brought animal print to a whole new level. Which ever girl you chose to stand behind said a lot about you. Personally I was a Sporty Spice, in head to toe Adidas garb and using soccer balls as accessories. 

With the recent obsession of everything and anything 90s, the effect of the Spice Girls is farther than ever from fading. It’s not a bad idea to reference pop’s fiercest group, they pulled off the over the top trends of the era with spunk. They are icons for the fearless. If you are looking for a very literal take on Spice Girl style I suggest starting with Solestruck and Buffalo’s latest collaboration. The orignial club kid brand Buffalo released a lineup of platform sneakers that would make Baby jealous. Not looking to spend $200? Hit up Goodwill, and prepare yourself for world domination. I’m sure that’s how the Spice Girls did it.

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